No Victory Speech, but more pictures….

I was hoping to be publishing a “We Won” post this morning from the contest I mentioned down below. Unfortunately, we did not win the contest over at Courtney’s blog. The competitor in me really wants to know how far back we were, but I guess it’s really not important. She’s still the cutest chick I know!! Thanks to all of you that voted for her. I was overwhelmed by all of the people telling me that they’d voted for her either verbally or by email!

I have to post a few more Halloween pictures since Mr. Incredible hasn’t made his appearance here yet. I have to admit I am not a fan of super hero costumes, and I did my best to talk him out of this. He was insistent on Mr. Incredible, and when I saw the costume at Target for $19.99, I gave in. I have a horrible history of spending waaaay too much on costumes, but this year I did really well. Only $20 on this one, and Claire’s was borrowed from Kelly. I only spent $10 for orange tights for her! He did look really cute with the muscles!

Believe it or not, this wasn’t posed. If I’d tried to pose them, the shot would’ve been of the back of their heads!
This picture totally cracks me up because it totally reflects how I feel like I look from behind! The costume actually made her walk with a waddle, which was even more fitting. ok…totally off subject, but did anyone else used to watch the Hans Christian Anderson movie?? It was one of my favorites & while I was typing this, the “Ugly Duckling” song that he sings on it popped into my head, in particular the “with waddle and a quack” line :-)!!

When it came to trick or treating, Claire was Miss Independent!! She would not let me help carry her bag or help her up the walk or anything. She was determined to do it alone, even when her bag was getting pretty heavy. She quickly figured out that we were going to the houses that had lights on, and was pretty much leading me. She even went to the houses with scary creatures that Grant wouldn’t go near. One house had a witch that “tooted” and she got the biggest kick out of that!
And, of course we had to sample some candy when we got home. Grant picked this hand…scary!

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