This past Monday, Claire started Mother’s Day Out at the church Grant has been going to since he was 1 1/2. Claire could’ve gone last year, but I just didn’t think she was ready. I knew very quickly into last year that she’d be ready this year. She talks so big and says so many things, but she is VERY shy. I was worried she might cry when I tried to leave because that has been a common theme at church in the past. Thankfully, on Monday, she was ready as can be. She handed me her napmat, and told me to carry it in, but said she would carry her lunch bag & backpack. Quickly followed by, “ok?”
She walked in and sat right down, but I could tell she was timid. She said nothing at all, and said with her fingers in her mouth watching another little girl cry. I stepped on out, and she was just fine. I think she was very quiet all day, but she didn’t cry which is what I wanted most! Yesterday, she did even better. I think she talked a little bit, and I’m sure she’ll warm up very soon and she’ll be telling them all what it’s about, just like she does me. As I type, she is chit chatting away in my ear about nothing & everything!
They all wore their school shirts on the first day, which is a bit of a challenge to match to anything especially when it’s to her knees. I felt all old school tying her shirt up in the back with a ponytail holder and rolling up her sleeves..ha! She is VERY picky about her clothes. When I put the shirt on her, she fell down and said she didn’t want to wear it because she wanted to wear a pretty dress. Drama!
Getting ready to make her entrance!
Her teacher Mrs. Mary Anne. Grant had her too and loved her. Claire has talked about her non-stop since Monday!
And the look of the day. I’m pretty sure she stayed in this position for awhile!
I cannot believe she’ll be 3 in just a few months. It blows my mind to think of how fast she’s grown up. I held a baby today, and she was incredibly jealous. Thankfully, I’m pretty sure she’s not quite ready to quit being my baby just yet!
Chesley, she is just precious!
I could EAT HER UP!!!! 🙂