Can You Handle This?! – Lebanon & Mt. Juliet, TN Baby Photographer

The cuteness that is!!  Sometimes I’m a total over-blogger, if that’s a word.  I recognize it, I know it’s a problem, but I’m not sure I’m ready to change it :)!  This session is the perfect example of that as I could have blogged every single image from our time seriously!  Little Miss Mary Brent & her mama were in town visiting grandparents and arranged to do her 6 month photos while they were here.  She is such a pretty pretty baby!!  Her eyes are AMAZING, and her personality was sweet as pie.  You can see why I can’t seem to shake the baby fever that’s been gnawing at me lately!  If they were all like this one, I’d sign up in a heartbeat!

We had to make sure to grab some of her and her mama while I was there, and I am thrilled with them. Mary Brent was actually so into looking at my camera that her mama really had to work for her attention!  I wish I had that problem every day of the week!

After yesterday’s yucky weather (when our session was supposed to be!), today was absolutely gorgeous!  Sweet girl had a quick wardrobe change and we headed outside to play for a bit.

Aaaaandddd…do you see what I see???? That’s green grass starting to grow my friends!  I cannot tell you how happy this makes me!

We wrapped our session up back inside.  The blanket she’s laying on was made by her great grandmother, and the hat couldn’t be any cuter on her!


I’m going to end with this one because I cannot stop looking at it!!  I’m not sure what it is, but I love her expression here, and it’s definitely one of my new all time favorites!!

I had so much fun working with you guys, and I’m super excited that we’ll get to meet again in a few months :)!!  I hope you love your sneak peek!!

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