Hey long lost friends…or I guess I’m the long lost one!! I hope everyone had an amazing holiday season and is looking forward to an even more wonderful 2012!! I know I am hopeful and excited about how things are starting to shape up! It’s time for me to get back to blogging my sessions now that I feel like I can finally come up for air! I’ve had wonderful intentions of posting this for weeks now! Better late than never I guess!! This precious girl is always super easy for her sessions with me, and I can hardly believe that the next time I see her we’ll be celebrating her 1st birthday!! For now, I’m just going to celebrate the joy she was at 9 months and we’ll push that thought to the backburner for a bit!! For this session, I went back to Adriana’s home, where I hadn’t been since her newborn session. We snapped a few photos with their Christmas decorations and then moved on to some more fun stuff. I almost never post an entire blog in black & white, but I just love the way all of these look and they scream black & white to me!! One of their dogs desperately wanted to be a part of the session, so I had to snap a shot of her being all photogenic!
Oh sweet baby bums…i just want to squeeze you :)!