You may recall seeing this handsome fellas ’round here a little before Christmas. They are the most precious boys I’ve ever been around. They are all fairly quiet and soft spoken, yet they are extremely polite and answer when spoken to. That’s huge for a kid! My own daughter totally bottles up when spoken to, so I know what a rare thing that is! It doesn’t surprise me though, since their parents are amazing. They seem like the two kindest, gentlest people in the world. I know they probably have lots of advice for parenting boys since they have a house full of them! I enjoyed my time with them on Saturday! It was such a quick and easy session!
Since I know mom has a canvas reserved, I’m gonna go ahead and say, this is the one I’d pick! 🙂
I agree, Chesley – those boys are so precious and their parents are, too! Such great shots of them!