This sweet girl met me at her front door on Friday with not a shy bone in her body. She talked to me right off the bat, which is not the norm with a not quite 2 year old. She also loved to laugh, which in turn, made me laugh pretty loud. I warmed up my camera with a few shots of her, and then she introduced me to her new baby sister, Morgan.
I wish all family photos with a child this age were this simple! Kimsey is such a hoot!
Love a daddy with his baby girl..such a sweet thing!
Morgan came into this world in a big way, and didn’t hesitate to let me know how she likes things. She is one of the first babies I’ve ever had that seemed to hate being on her stomach. She was so exhausted though that she did give in long enough for a shot or two that way.
I got a new lens the day before our session! Get prepared to see lots more little baby parts ’round here!
There’s no doubt that Morgan was happiest in the arms of her momma!
It was wonderful to meet you guys, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!!